25 May 2009

Abyssinian cattitude

Watercolour with a few touches of chinagraph pencil, 8" by 10", from a reference in the WetCanvas image library by SweetHuia.

A cat with attitude I think!

14 May 2009

Golden youth

This is a portrait I painted from a reference in the WetCanvas May portrait classroom. The original is quarter sheet size (11" by 15"), and these are two alternative 8" by 10" crops.

I'm usually a bit timid with watercolour portraits, mixing my colours on the palette. However, I've just read 'Expressive Portraits' by Jean Pederson, and decided to try her 'wet glazing' method, and let the colours mix on the paper. Well (as usual) there are parts I like and parts I don't, and I definitely need more practice, but it's a great method, and it's good to try a fresh approach too.

Not sure which crop I prefer - feedback welcome!

11 May 2009

Little lamb

This is what I did with my remaining piece of scraperboard (my class tutor kindly lent me a scraping tool to play with).

2" by 3", from my own ref photo.

08 May 2009

Off to work

Here's what I've been up to this week - watercolour 8" by 10".

Finished just in time for her birthday too!

06 May 2009

Bestiary leopard

Here's something completely different - did this at my art class today. The drawing is based on a leopard from a bestiary, and it's on scraperboard. It's pretty small, just 2" by 3".

This is a completely new medium for me - fun to do, rather time consuming and also rather addictive!

05 May 2009

Willcock Farm Orchard

Here's a watercolour and ink painting (8" by 10") from last year.

I painted this for an Apple Day event, from my own reference pics taken at a local orchard.
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