Here's another still life experiment. This was painted from a photo reference kindly supplied by a member on the painting friends forum.
Watercolour, 8" by 10"
Edit: have added the image at the top. After some feedback from some 'cyberpals' I decided to strengthen the colour behind the glass stem - I think it looks a bit more balanced now (though I'm not going to fiddle with it any more!).
Here's something completely different for me - a still life, painted from life. This is a real experiment, with an emphasis on composition, shapes and colour, rather than realism. I had great fun painting this, and am fairly pleased with the way it turned out, for a first effort! I think I'll do some more still lifes, and have a play around with colour and texture.
...and welcome to Sharon's Pics! Painting, drawing and printmaking inspired by the natural world is my thing - I love the challenge and it's great to see the subjects coming to life on the paper or canvas. I never get bored of it.
I also have another blog, Cambridgeshire nature notes, where you'll find drawings, sketches, studies, photos and general rambling on about the natural world as I find it...
To get in touch with me, email