My cyberfriend Nora Mackin was kind enough to send a sunshine award my way - thank you Nora! Check out Nora's blog, full of lovely stuff. I'm supposed to nominate another twelve deserving recipients - I'll have to give it some thought!
Here's another watercolour based on a photo I took a few months ago. I especially liked the light in the photo, which makes the painting a bit easier - the areas of light and shade are well defined.
...and welcome to Sharon's Pics! Painting, drawing and printmaking inspired by the natural world is my thing - I love the challenge and it's great to see the subjects coming to life on the paper or canvas. I never get bored of it.
I also have another blog, Cambridgeshire nature notes, where you'll find drawings, sketches, studies, photos and general rambling on about the natural world as I find it...
To get in touch with me, email