This is a portrait I painted for the portrait 'paintalong' on Painting Friends - we're all working from a couple of references (there's a photo of a little boy as well, which I'm hoping to paint), and it's good to see how different artists approach the same reference.
This reference is Candace by devymarie, from the WetCanvas reference image library.
I painted this for a group challenge on Redbubble, from a beautiful ref photo by Trine of her dog, a retriever called Ditte, which had won another group challenge on Redbubble (are you still following, lol).
Here's another watercolour of Tommy, the pub cat, curled up in his basket on the end of the bar. I feel this one ended up a bit overworked; maybe I'll have another crack at it sometime.
...and welcome to Sharon's Pics! Painting, drawing and printmaking inspired by the natural world is my thing - I love the challenge and it's great to see the subjects coming to life on the paper or canvas. I never get bored of it.
I also have another blog, Cambridgeshire nature notes, where you'll find drawings, sketches, studies, photos and general rambling on about the natural world as I find it...
To get in touch with me, email