11 February 2013

Fox in the snow

Another piece inspired by the vulpine visitor of a couple of weeks ago.

This is ink and watercolour, cropped in slightly from a quarter sheet, Fabriano Artistico NOT paper. Click the image to see it a bit bigger!

04 February 2013

Fox linocut, the finish

Hi all

Here are the final stages of the fox linocut. First I carved the block some more to add a russetty colour, to define the fox's body shape more clearly. Then the final dark colour was added via a stencil - I cut the shapes from a piece of acetate, and dabbed the ink through using a cotton bud.

Fox reduction linocut print
Fox reduction linocut print
So there we have it - a snowy foxy print, inspired by an encounter with a fox on a snowy day. Haven't decided on a title yet though...

02 February 2013

Fox Linocut WIP next stages

Some more work on the fox linocut...

 Printed a darker grey for the distant hedgerow...

...and next was an orange for the fox - Zerkall paper on the left, Chinese hand-made rice paper on the right.

01 February 2013

Fox linocut WIP

Hello! I've been in the creative doldrums the past couple of weeks, but the snowy walk (see earlier post) and a surprise garden visitor have conspired to get me going again...

I've been pondering compositions for a linocut, and based on my snowy sketch plus a photo of a fox that visited the garden. I have come up with this:

A while back I bought a mixed pack of Chinese paper for printing, to experiment with. I thought that one of the sheets would be perfect for this snowy print:

I'm also using Zerkall 210gsm, which is what I've used before. So, first colour - grey. When I went out walking I was struck by the monochrome colours of the landscape - grey sky, dark hedgerow, white snow. I've also carved the block further for the next colour here.
And a close-up of that yummy paper:

That's all for now... well, maybe a quick look at the star of the print...
More to come over the weekend, I hope!
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