30 September 2013

Couple of little wc sketches

Hello bloggies

Been a bit quiet on the creative front - lots of ideas rolling around my head but not much actual creating! Thought I'd do some little sketches, from bits and pieces lying around the room here...

So, a watercolour of a feather (buzzard I think), and a watercolour and ink of a pine cone, both on postcard-sized watercolour paper. Nice to get the brushes wet, if only a little bit!

03 September 2013

The gang

Yay, another linocut print! Inspired by the hordes (yes, there are loads of them) of long-tailed tits that descend on our bird feeders, here's my take on just a few of them...

These guys are definitely the cutest. They seem to go around in large groups - we regularly get at least half a dozen on the feeders, and I could hear more cheeping away in the shrubs...

Print area is 6 by 8 inches, and these are on Zerkall 210gsm paper using Caligo safe wash oil-based ink, an edition (so far) of 8. I've run out of this particular paper, so I might just print a few more on the Simili Japanese paper, which is a lighter weight and creamier paper, to see how they look!

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