24 January 2012

Painting outside, kind of

Hello again

One of my art goals for this year is to give landscape painting one last go, and see if I can muster any enthusiasm for it by painting outside, from life, rather than from photo refs. As it happened, the December/January Year of Painting challenge on the Painting Friends forum was to either set up a still life, or paint en plein air. I decided to go for it, despite it being the middle of winter and thus rather cold, windy and wet... in the end I actually painted from the relative comfort of my car...

First off, here's the painting. It's acrylic 12" by 8". I was painting for about an hour or so.


Here's a pic of what I was looking at - it's the village cricket team's pavilion, and the cricket field beyond:

And here's my set up - I had the pochade box on my lap. Just about enough room!

I have to say that I enjoyed the experience, so maybe there's hope for me and landscape painting yet. I'll have to get a portable easel if I want to actually paint outside the car one day - if anyone has any recommendations, let me know. Not the greatest painting ever, but I was pleased enough with it for a first outdoor attempt! Roll on the warmer weather!


  1. sharon que dominio tienes,te queda autentico,enhorabuena guapa,besos,conchi.

    1. Muchas gracias Conchi! Fue muy divertido pintar al aire libre.

  2. Your cricket pavilion is livelier than the real cricket pavilion; painting should please you enough to pursue landscapes further. I'm glad you showed how you set up in the car. I was going to ask that question. I have a box like that, never thought of using it for plein air. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Linda, I did enjoy it, and can see that there's lots of potential (when the weather gets better). My little car was a bit of a squeeze, I'm amazed I didn't end up with paint all over the place...

  3. Brave to go out in January and be still enough to paint, even in the car! I like your painted version of the scene.
    I have a portable, a Jakar - its very lightweight and comes with its own over the shoulder carry bag.

    1. Thanks Pat, taking that first step will make the next one easier I'm sure! I have been looking at that Jakar easel, it looks fairly robust as well as being portable.


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