04 March 2011

Life drawing

A couple more from the life drawing class

 10 minutes, charcoal on newsprint
 15 minutes, charcoal on cartridge paper

And 20 minutes, pastel on cartridge paper.

This might be the last of the life drawing for now - the class will only run if there are enough students signed up, and it wasn't looking good the other night...


  1. Your ten minute pose is what interests me. It's good, but when sketching on the go, ten minutes is a long time for the world to hold that pose. I'm starting to think we've got to be able to snag the figure in seconds. I've been thinking about speed sketching people on the move on television. It would be quite a challenge--but closer to how the conditions are out in the world.

  2. Yes, that's so true. I'm thinking I might go the cafe sketching route - combining an hour out having a coffee and a bit of cake with some surreptitious sketching of other coffee shop/cafe patrons. Having done some life drawing, I feel a bit more confident about this. In the meantime, someone on the painting friends forum pointed me in the direction of this site:


    You can set various pose times from 30 sec up to 10 min. Useful resource!

  3. Again, Sharon, good job on these figures.


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